CleanStart® Detergentless Laundry System
CleanStart© Benefits
Chemical Free Laundry
Eliminates common skin irritation caused by harsh cleaning detergents and disinfection products – great for infants and those with sensitive skin.
Removes the need to use chlorine bleach for sterilization and whitening.
Environmentally Responsible
By eliminating hot water and detergents, you could use less energy and no longer dump thousands of gallons of soaps and toxic bleach into the environment.
Built to last and provide years of dependable service, it really is an amazing system
No Hot Water Needed
Only cold water is required, eliminating the energy required to heat the wash water.
Consumes less electricity than a 40 watt light bulb & the rinse cycle becomes a second, powerful cleaning cycle.
Saves You Money
The disinfecting and cleaning power of the CleanStart® system greatly reduces and often eliminates the need for laundry detergent, softeners and bleach.(Pre-treating of stubborn stains is recommended.)
Fabric life is extended by not using chemicals that cause fabrics to break down.